Sunday, January 18, 2009

a slight delay...

Hello all. I do realize that I haven't been able to sit down & post since Jan. 8th. Yes, I'm not happy with myself about it, but I don't have much of a choice in the matter. I must say that I have been taking pictures, but just have absolutely NO TIME lately. I 've been working non-stop, & on the days that I'm not working ridiculous hours, I haven't been feeling like the healthiest person on earth.

So. Please understand my delay of posting. I've yet to look at my upcoming appointments for this week...though I already know I'm busy as hell...but I promise I'll do a giant editing/posting catch-up day SOON. With that said, I hope all 2 of you that actually read this understand. The 365 will not die! Btw, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you soon



  1. Hang in there!! :) Your schedule will calm down, (as in get more regular, not less!) and you are doing an AMAZING job as a trainer! So dont feel a bit bad about it, babe.

    And I hope your health continues to go in a POSITIVE direction. We need that. I need you! :)

    And wait to see the pics that you put up soon! Looking forward to it!

  2. Hey, I think there's three of us!
