Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 18: TRX Training = Shoot. Me. Now.

Whoa. What a day. After the ridiculously long week that I had, I had to attend a certification course for work. On a Saturday. Yeah, I know. Didn't sleep all night, (cause I was still sick) & then I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn & drive to Richmond for this program. It was an all day thing...from about 7:30 - 5:30 was my entire day. My sickness finally wore off & I started to get into what I was learning.

Let me tell you, this thing is crazy. It's the newest, most elite training you can do at the moment. It was developed by a Navy SEAL for training out in the field or in ships or submarines. You can use it anywhere that you can tie it off at a 6ft. height. It's nuts for me to try & explain what the hell it's more like one of those things you just have to do to understand how FREAKING hard it is. Sore for days...that's all I have to say. Though, my abs were ripped as hell for about that time...they are usually pretty good, but that thing owned them.

The moral of the story is, I'm one of only 6 trainers at the gym presently that can even have clients do this thing. So, that's a great selling point that I plan on getting even MORE clients by using. SO GOOD. :)

Some of the exercises...what a nice book we got with it...

Ab city...every single exercise on this thing uses your core. I was sore for 3 days afterwards...

peace out...


  1. Have I said how much I dispise you recently :( my post pregnant belly is looking quite sad now!

  2. That looks badass. John and I started doing that crazy Tony Horton P90 thing, since you don't live close enough to whip my ass into shape ;)

  3. you make me wanna barf.

    seriously. like barf up my dinner. on purpose.
